Eurasian integration and testing of Ukrainian statehood in the system of international law This article from the perspective of international law doctrine considers the dramatic events on Evromaydan in Kiev in February 2014. In fact, in Ukraine there was an armed seizure of power, that is a coup, financed by the United States. The country, finally losing its economic sovereignty, practically ceased to exist as a sovereign state.

Meskon Uchebnik Menedzhment 2011

Taiko no tatsujin ps2 iso torrent. The reunification of the Crimea with Russia in the future doctrine of international law will not be considered a precedent, as an exceptional case. Throughout the outgoing year we have witnessed the collapse of the Ukrainian statehood. The article describes the problems of interaction of international legal acts in the field of freedom of conscience and the national legislation of the Russian Federation in the context of the globalization of social relations.

It considers theoretical and legal problems of freedom of conscience and their impact on the effectiveness of the relevant international legal acts. The author substantiates the need to reform the international legal acts in the field of freedom of conscience, based on an innovative concept. Keywords: legitimate participants in armed conflict, combatants, non-combatants, private military companies, mercenary, volunteer, guerrilla, terrorist organizations, the responsibility of combatants and non-combatants, the State's responsibility. Work bibliographic list 1. Dopolnitel'nyj protokol I ot 8 ijunja 1977 g. K Zhenevskim konvencijam ot 12 avgusta 1949 g., kasajushhijsja zashhity zhertv mezhdunarodnyh vooruzhennyh konfliktov // Sbornik mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov SSSR. This article discusses the tax incentives (benefits), used to attract investment, including their impact on international tax competition.

Taking into account the opinions of other investigators it is substantiated that tax incentives (benefits) play a minor role in attracting investors. Based on the international principles of the use of investment incentives and legislation in neighboring countries a brief analysis of some investment tax incentives, established in Tajikistan are made, and directions for their reasonable use are identified. This article brings to light the activity of the law enforcement agencies in the United Kingdom. The author presents a number of documents which at different times have regulated the activity of the UK Police.

MARKETING THEORY AND METHODOLOGY. The transformational changes of place and role of the marketing in globalization conditions and industrial revolution 4.0. Dec 31, 2018 - and management of human resources potential in the region. By American economists M. Innovatsionnyi menedzhment: uchebnik [Innovation. Development Report for the Russian Federation 2011].

The article analyzes the history of the formation and operation of UK’s law enforcement agencies. The author subjects to comprehensive study the UK’s police present-day structure. The Police is an indispensable part of the single system of the Home Office of the UK.

The author notes that the law enforcement agencies in the United Kingdom conduct both investigation/surveillance and criminal/procedural activities. The article examines the definition of responsibility and its kinds: moral and legal responsibility. The legal responsibility is divided into civil liability, administrative responsibility, and criminal responsibility.

The article examines civil liability, administrative liability and civil tort and briefly studies the terms of each, the types of tort, which is responsibility for personal action, and responsibility for the action of others, and responsibility for things which includes two types of responsibilities, the responsibility of person guarding the building and responsibility of person, who carries out the control (intendance). The article also examines error, damage, the causal relationship between the error and the damage. The article analyzes the typology of legal interactions as a cognitive technique and a result that helps to systematize the variety of legal interactions, which allows to understand essential characteristics (attributes) of the certain type (class, form) of legal interaction, determine the subject area for investigation of legal interactions connected with its particular aims and tasks. The author justifies emphasizing of the following types of legal interactions: law making (law forming) and law enforcing; weak and strong, and in this case the strength of legal interaction consists of legal relevance and legal force of interaction acts, compliance of juridical technologies and techniques, their strategic and tactical optimality, accordance with law prescriptions to activity of other participants within legal interaction; direct (straightforward) and indirect (implicit); forced. Which would guarantee implementation of rights and legitimate interests. According to the attitude of a participant of legal interaction to the activity performed by another participant, three types of legal interactions could be pointed out: legal counteraction, legal assistance and legal neutrality, however the last type is extremely unstable, inclining to one of the mentioned above types. Legal interactions may be institutionalized and non-institutionalized, and in this case non-institutionalized interactions could be determined only from the activity approach point of view, the main indicators of legal interactions institutionalization process are competence and organization levels.