Domiki Sostav Chisla V Predelah 10
Similar words: (1.00) (0.60) (0.50) (0.50) (0.50) toRES Text ORiented Editing System noun redaktiruyushaya sistema, orientirovannaya na tekst tobacco Road, tobacco road 1> _am. Bednyi sel'skohozyaistvennyi raion (osob. V yuzhnyh shtatah) tobias noun Tobaias, Tobaies tobruch noun g. Tobruk toby 1> pivnaya kruzhka (v vide tolstyaka v kostyume XVIII v.; tzh. Toby jug) 2> Tobi (uchenaya sobaka v angliiskom kukol'nom teatre) 3> _am. Sort tonkih deshevyh sigar toby collar 1> gofrirovannyi vorotnik toby frill 1> gofrirovannyi vorotnik tocharian 1> toharskii yazyk 2> toharskii togo noun Togo togolese 1> togolezec; togolezka; zhitel' ili urozhenec Togo _Ex: the togolese _sobir.
2014-12-29, 0.6. 2018-08-17 0.9 2018-10-18 0.9. 2018-01-04 0.8 0.8 0.8 2018-11-27 0.8.
Togolezcy 2> togolezskii; otnosyashiisya k Togo tokay 1> tokaiskoe (vino) 2> sort vinograda (iz kotorogo delaetsya tokaiskoe; tzh. Tokay grape) token Import Scheme 1> plan simvolicheskogo importa tokyo noun g.
Blizkie slova: (1.00) (1.00) (0.50) (0.50) (0.50) pr pr pr. Prababka great-grandmother prababushka zh.
Great-grandmother praded m., pradedushka m. Great-grandfather praga prague pragmatika pragmatics pragmatist pragmatist pragmatizm pragmatism pragmaticheskii pragmatic prah m.; 1> dust; 2> (ostanki) remains pl.; (posle sozhzheniya) ashes pl.; mir prahu ego! May he rest in peace!; otryasti prah ot svoih nog shake* the dust from one`s feet; poiti prahom go* to rack and ruin; razveyat' v prah (vn.) reduce to dust (smth.); razbit' v puh i prah (vn.) e defeat utterly (smb.); raznesti v puh i prah (vn.) give* a thorough rating (to); razg.
Prah ego (tebya i t. Krestiki starinnie katalog. May he (you, etc. Prahom rack and ruin praim prime prais price prakticizm m.
Practicality, practicalness praktik m. Practician, practical man* praktika zh.; 1> practice; izuchit' chto-l. Na praktike learn* smth. By practice; primenit' chto-l. Na praktike put* smth. Into practice; 2> ( priemy i navyki) practical experience; u nego bol'shaya praktika po stroitel'stvu zheleznyh dorog he has had long practical experience of/in building railways; 3> (studencheskaya, uchebnaya) practical work; prohodit' praktiku do* practical work, take* one`s practicals; 4> yct. (vrachebnaya, yuridicheskaya) practice; vrach s bol'shoi praktikoi a doctor with a large practice; delovaya praktika business practice; praktikant m.
Trainee, practical student praktikant trainee praktikovat' nesov. (vn.) practise (smth.); praktikovat'sya nesov.; 1> (v pr.; u prazhnyat'sya ) practise ( smth. ); praktikovat'sya v metanii yadra practise putting the shot; 2> nesov.
( primenyat'sya na praktike) be* practised/used/applied; (delat'sya) be* done praktikuyushii practising; practitioner praktikuet v sm. Takzhe praktikovat' praktikum m. Practical work; practical studies pl prakticheski practically prakticheski ispol'zovat' put in practical use prakticheskii practical; prakticheskaya deyatel'nost' practical activity; prakticheskoe primenenie znanii pratical application of (one`s) knowledge; prakticheskii opyt practical experience; ne imet' prakticheskoi cennosti be* of no practical value praktichnost' zh.
Practicality; praktichnost' tkani the practical advantages of a fabric; praktichnyi practical; praktichnyi chelovek practical person; praktichnyi cvet practical color praktichnyi practical praktichnyi metod practical method praktichnyi sovet practical advice praktichnyi shutka practical joke praktichnyi chelovek practical person pramater' zh. The first mother, mother of the human race praotec m. Forefather; ot pravit'sya k praotam be* gathered to one`s fathers; ot pravit' k praotcam razg. Kill (smb.) praporshik m.; 1> praporschik (intermediate rank approximating to warrant officer); 2> ist. Ensign pra prababka great-grear-grandmother pra prababushka great-great-grandmother pra praded great-great-grandfather pra pravnuk great-great-grandson pra pravnuchka great-great-granddaughter prayazyk m.
Parent language praroditel' m. Primogenitor, forefather pratt pratt prattvill prattville prazhskii prague prav n sm. Takzhe pravo prava n sm. Takzhe pravo pravah n sm.
Takzhe pravo pravam n sm. Takzhe pravo pravami n sm. Takzhe pravo pravda zh.; 1> (istina) truth; govorit' vsyu pravdu speak* the whole truth; golaya pravda naked/unvarnished truth; 2> ( pravdivost') truthfulness, truth; 3> razg. ( pravota) rightness; pravda na vashei storone you are right; 4> (s pravedlivost') justice; 5> v znach. Be* true; pravda li, chto on otkazalsya poehat'?
Is it true that he refused to go?; 6> v znach. True, admittedly; on, pravd, ne znal etogo admittedly he didn`t know that; 7> v znach. Soyuza (hotya) though; po pravde govorya, po pravde skazat' to tell the truth, the truth is; vsemi pravdami i ne pravdami by hook or by crook; ne pravda li?